Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island

Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day

February 28, 2018

February 28th is Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day and the Workers Compensation Board encourages all Islanders to mark the day by finding ways to avoid injury on the job. The term, repetitive strain injury, refers to a host of soft tissue injuries of the muscles, tendons and nerves, such as tendonitis and bursitis. These injuries most often affect the upper extremities, and risk factors can include repetitive motion, high force, sustained awkward postures, excessive vibration and extreme cold temperatures.


The ordinary movements that we perform at work such as gripping, lifting, twisting, and reaching shouldn’t cause pain but when done repeatedly, awkwardly, and forcefully, they can lead to persistent pain. Bursitis and tendonitis are two examples of these disorders.


Because repetitive strain injuries usually develop over a period of time, it is important to know how to recognize the early signs and symptoms. “Being informed and aware of how repetitive strain injuries can happen and how to avoid them is an important step in preventing injuries from occurring in the workplace,” said Angus Houston, Vice Chair for the Workers Compensation Board.


To help prevent repetitive strain in the workplace, the Workers Compensation Board recommends the following:


  • Incorporate regular rest and stretch breaks into the work day.
  • Vary or rotate job tasks to change positions and to avoid overuse of any one body part.
  • Minimize awkward postures by adjusting work heights, decreasing reaching distances and organizing work stations.
  • Modify the work area and equipment to avoid pressing against hard or sharp surfaces.
  • Limit high forces by using appropriate tools, such as carts or hoists.
  • Reduce the size of loads and carrying distances.
  • Limit exposure to cold temperatures and ensure adequate clothing is worn for the work climate.


For more information on safety matters and preventing injury in the workplace, visit the WCB website at To learn more about Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day, visit the CCOHS website at, which is a dedicated page populated with free infographics, shareable social media images and messaging, informative fact sheets, posters, and podcasts.

Media Contact:
WCB Communications
902-894-0362 or