Employer assessment due dates deferred until September 30
In an effort to support employers and workers, the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) is announcing a further deferral of assessment due dates related to 2020 employer payrolls until September 30, 2020.This means that covered employers will not have to pay WCB premiums until September 30, and will not be charged interest or penalties during this time.
"We know that Island Businesses are at the early stages of a phased approach to reopening through Renew PEI, Together, and we want to offer our support during this transition," said Jim MacPhee, Chair of the Workers Compensation Board of PEI.
Employers are asked to submit any revisions to their 2020 payroll estimates to the WCB before August 15th to ensure that it is reflected on their September statement of assessment amounts due.
Employers can easily resubmit their payroll estimates electronically anytime using WCB Online Services or by completing the Payroll Revision Form on the WCB website and submitting it by email, mail, or fax. For more information related to COVID-19, including occupational health and safety resources for employers, workers and service providers can visit the COVID-19 section of the WCB website at www.wcb.pe.ca/COVID19.
WCB Communications
902-894-0362 or news@wcb.pe.ca